Home > Guest Relations > News & Updates > Recent Updates

This page offers a detailed view of new and updated features. For more general news and announcements, including insights into upcoming features and events, be sure to visit the News and Announcements page.

Updates are listed in reverse order (newest updates first).

Jul 14, 2005
Jul 14, 2004
Jul 14, 2003
Feb 24, 2003
  • Added Diorama storyline article to Diorama.

  • Re-organized and updated Credits.

  • Added "what's new" link to menu strip on main page (mosaic menu).

  • Various minor tweaks and fixes.

Feb 12, 2003
Jan 2, 2003
Dec 30, 2002
Nov 7, 2002
Jul 14, 2002
  • EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site is launched!