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Relive some of your favorite memories through our selection of video clips. We'd like to extend our very special thanks to Martin Smith for generously providing the video from which these clips were taken.

All film footage and music is © Disney. Live video footage © Martin Smith.

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Rare footage of a 1978 promotional film showing an early concept for the pavilion, possibly based on the "solar energy pavilion" concept.
Rare footage of a 1980 promotional film showing the finalized concept for the Universe of Energy pavilion.
Intro to the Pavilion, with a view from the monorail, exterior footage, entrance tile mosaic, and pre-show opening.
Preshow: "Only by understanding energy in its various forms, the universe of energy, can we build a transition to a better tommorrow."
Guests enter Theater I from Preshow and load into the Traveling Theater.
The dramatic transition from Theater I to Diorama, as the narrator beckons us to "Come with us now, and experience a few moments of that dark and mysterious past".
The complete Finale & exit sequence, starting with the shuttle launch in Theater II.