Home > Guest Relations

Welcome to Guest Relations! This is the place for news, site updates and history, frequently asked questions, and all other guest needs. Information is grouped into related areas for your convenience. You may click on any of the links below, or choose from the menu at right.

News & Updates
Site news, recent updates, and a schedule of upcoming features and updates.

About This Site
Site FAQs, history, dedication and mission statement, credits, legal information, and background on the site's design.

Discussion Group
The "other half" of our EPCOT's Universe of Energy community, is our discussion group on Yahoo Groups. Here you can learn more about the Group, review frequently asked questions, and join the Group.

The Links section is located in Energy Exchange, but as many guests may look for it here (admittedly, a logical choice), here is a convenient link to Links.

Wish List
From time to time, we may look for materials (photos, information, media) to complete or enhance a section of the site. Please take a look at our current "wish list" and see if you can help. You'll receive proper credit on the site for any materials that you donate.

Important Note:
If you found this page through a search engine, please visit our opening page. Please note also that sub-pages such as this may change, so we ask that you bookmark only the opening page.