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In early July of 2001, something very curious appeared in this very space: a simple page featuring an homage to the Universe of Energy's "thermal mosaic," complete with a realistic-looking show timer counting down. But counting down to what? The public wasn't to know until the counter reached "00:00", and EPCOT's Universe of Energy was launched in Yahoo Clubs (now Yahoo Groups).

Some might have considered it an excessive, even frivolous bit of fanfare for a Yahoo Club. But for the Club's founders--all former Cast Members (two of us at Universe of Energy), and all "showmen" at heart--it was a labor of love. We set out to showcase one of the crowning jewels of EPCOT Center with all the "show" and loving attention that it deserved.

We also knew, back in the primordial stages of our venture, that this site would one day spring to life again--to be reborn as EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site. The site would extend the reach of our Yahoo community, and allow us to present a wealth of ideas, information, media, and memories. And so nearly a year later, the show clock began counting down again--and on July 14, 2002, when the clock again reached a blinking "00:00", EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site was born.

In this site, we've tried to capture and maintain the spirit of wonder and discovery of early EPCOT Center. We hope you enjoy exploring EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site.

We've put a lot of hard work into this site, and we feel that we have a lot to offer--but the best is yet to come! We're currently implementing Phase II of the site's development, and we're already looking forward to Phase III. We hope you'll visit often, for the adventure is just beginning!