Home > Help > Site FAQs

Here we try to answer some of the more common questions about the site. If you have a question that's not answered here, please feel free to email the Webmaster.

You may use the links below to jump directly to a question-and-answer, or you may scroll down through the page.

Q: Why is this called the "Companion" Site?

A: When we founded EPCOT's Universe of Energy in Yahoo Groups, we knew that while it provided a great format for a discussion forum, it couldn't possibly contain all the ideas we wanted to explore. We planned early on to supplement the discussion forum on Yahoo Groups with a Web site. Exactly one year after the Group's launch, EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site was launched. The site is far more extensive and robust than we'd originally envisioned, and as such, it stands well on its own--but we also like to recognize that it's one of two parts of our Universe of Energy community. If you'd like to know more about the site's history and background, visit Site History.

Q: What is "Phase II", and when will it be complete?

A: This site has been a very ambitious project, in which we've already invested hundreds of hours. We still have many ideas to explore, and hundreds more hours worth of work ahead. We decided that the best way to approach the site's development, would be to start with a robust foundation (Phase I), and add new features incrementally. We're currently in the process of adding the next group of features, known as "Phase II", and we're already looking forward to "Phase III". We don't have a specific timetable, as we work on the site as time and inspiration allow. We hope you'll check back with us frequently, as Phase II will be rolled out incrementally. There will often be something new to see and explore! To learn more, visit the Update Schedule.

Q: I like this site's design. Would you design a site for me?

A: The Webmaster does do professional site design and development. For rates and additional information, email the Webmaster with your requirements.

Q: Can I use your pictures or other material?

A: Some of the pictures belong to Disney. We use them, with proper credit, within the "fair use" terms of United States copyright law (see Legal for more information). We make no claims on Disney-owned images.

Other material, in particular drawings and other images used on the site, belong to us. We've put a tremendous amount of work into developing new, custom material. We ask you respect our work, and that you do not download or use any of graphics or textual material without permission.

Q: I read that you worked for Disney. Is this an "official" site?

A: No, this site is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Disney. We are all former Cast Members, but we no longer have any ties to the Walt Disney Company. What's more, while we present some information and perspectives that we've gained from our work experience, we do not share any trade secrets or potentially "sensitive" information.

Q: Animation (or other feature) doesn't work right. Why?

A: We've tried to make this site compatible with as many browsers and systems as possible, but unfortunately there are so many combinations, we can never be sure that it will work perfectly for everyone. For best results, we recommend that you use the latest versions of Netscape or Internet Explorer, and that you enable JavaScript. (Note that JavaScript is not the same as Java). Some animations, "mouseovers", and other features require JavaScript to operate.

If you've tried these suggestions are still experiencing difficulty, or if you see any other errors or flaws in the site (even a minor typo), we want to know about it. Please email the Webmaster.

Q: I got a 404 (Page Not Found) error. What happened?

A: We strongly recommend that you do not link to or bookmark pages within the site, as they may change. Please bookmark only the main page at http://www.energy.planet7.org.

If you received this or other error while trying to load the main page, it is most likely a temporary server glitch. If the problem persists, please email the Webmaster.

If you find a "broken link" within the site, please email the Webmaster.

Q: Why didn't the "back" link take me back to the page I was on?

A: Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser (if you see the red dots flashing next to menu items when you hover your mouse over them, JavaScript is enabled). Without JavaScript, the back link will take you to the previous page in the site's heirarchy, which may or may not be the last page you visited.

If JavaScript is enabled, and the back link does not take you to the last page you visited, please email the Webmaster.