Home > Guest Relations > About This Site > Credits

Site Design & Development:

Original site concept, design, graphic design, selected text and content, HTML code, and JavaScript code by Gary7.

For detailed copyright information, please visit our legal page.


The following content was written by NRG Guy:



Show Scripts (Original & Ellen's) (1)

Tech: Solar Array (2)

Preshow Film (Original & Ellen's)

Theater I Film (Original & Ellen's)

Dinosaur Information

Theater II Film (Original & Ellen's)

Finale Film (Original & Ellen's)

Energy Exchange Exhibits

Tech: Special Effects (2)

The following content was written by Gary7:


Site History & Site Overview

Section introductions

Tech: Behind the Magic

Tech: EPCOT Computer Central

Tech: Traveling Theater (3)

Tech: Driving Vehicles (REPO)

Tech: Charging System

Tech: Turntables

Tech: Show Doors

Tech: Ride Control System

Tech: Ride Operator Console (3) (3)

Diorama Storyline

Dinosaur Explorer

Diorama Timeline & Dino Timeline

Dinosaur Resources

Save the Tiger


Guest Relations & Help

(1) Transcribed by NRG_Guy, originally written by and (c) Walt Disney Co.
(2) Co-written with Gary7
(3) Co-written with NRG_Guy


With the exception of images appearing in the Mosaic Menu and Page Headers, all images reflect copyrights of their owners. Mosaic Menu and Header images (with the exception of the Space Shuttle images, and the Mosaic Menu itself) are ©Disney.

Drawings and animations are original and are the work of (and copyrighted by) Gary7 and NRG_Guy. Some pavilion and architectural drawings are based on or inspired by drawings by Greg Chin.

All wallpaper iimages are the work of (and copyrighted by) Gary7.


Video clips appearing on this site are selected from a complete Universe of Energy video courtesy of Martin Smith, Manchester, UK. We'd like to extend a special "thank you" to Martin for making our Multimedia: Video section possible! For more information, you may email Martin at martinsvids@ntlworld.com.

Please note that all film footage and music contained in the video clips is ©Disney.

Beta Testing:

We'd like to thank Martin Smith, Tocpe and Dean for their help in beta-testing the site.

Special Thanks:

We would like to offer our sincerest thanks to the following people for their contributions (listed in chronological order, with the exception of the Group entry):
  • Fudgie for the dinosaur and diorama photos.

  • JCMagic for the "Prototype" font that is used extensively in this site.

  • Dr. Lao for the "solar energy pavilion" image and background information.

  • "Anonymous benefactor" for the rehab photos.

  • Dean (DL5263) for Popular Science turntable information and beta testing.

  • EpcotEric for Popular Science turntable photo and information.

  • Zazu (Bruce Metcalf) for background on the turntable's "air bearings".

  • Bill, webmaster of NYWF64.COM for the Moving Grandstands photo

  • Kirby Bartlett-Sloan for the "Magic Highways" photo.

  • Rob for the information on the guidewire's replacement.

  • Steve, webmaster of Atommobiles.com for the Atomobile photo.

  • Martin Smith for the videos, beta testing, and supporting us in many other ways.

  • Tocpe for testing, information and support (particularly with regard to Macintosh compatibility).

  • Tom for information on PLCs and ride control systems.

  • The Members of EPCOT's Universe of Energy for making the Group a success, and this site possible.

We sincerely hope that we haven't overlooked anyone here, but if we have, please send us an email. We tremendously appreciate any and all contributions of original media, information, and assistance--and we want to make sure that contributors receive proper credit.

Gary7 would like to offer a special thanks to NRG_Guy for his tremendous contributions, support, and encouragement in making this site possible. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this project!