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Things Sure Were Different…

Ah, the good old days. This is an ad for the then-fairly-new Disney Channel from the fall of 1984. Youngsters who missed those heady days might be shocked that there’s material aimed at an audience older than seven years old. Crazy, I know!

Gather ’round The Disney Channel

It’s going to tickle your family’s funny bones, tug at the heartstrings, render them wide-eyed and immerse them in music.

You have no idea how much The Disney Channel will enrich your family’s time together, until you try it.

Month after month, The Disney Channel brings you programs you won’t find anywhere else: Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland and Pollyanna, to name a few.

The Disney Channel can bring your family everything you expect from the name Disney. It can also bring you one thing more. A little closer together.

Subscribe to The Disney Channel. Call your cable operator today!

At least we had a few good years. Thanks, Ron Miller!

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Tangled!! Photos! Here! Rapunzel! Flynn Rider! Maximus! Pascal!

Typically, when a new animated film is released, I post some artwork in case anyone’s out looking for that sort of thing. I didn’t get around to it when Tangled hit theaters, but since it’s back in the spotlight with its recent DVD release, I thought I’d post some pretty pictures for you to enjoy. Film stills, development art, and character art await…

Continue reading Tangled!! Photos! Here! Rapunzel! Flynn Rider! Maximus! Pascal!

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Bringing Rolly Home

Word arrived today that the great Rolly Crump has set up a store to sell prints and other items featuring his funky, colorful artwork. Check it out!

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Progress City Home Theater: Tangled

After a decade of troubled development, Disney Feature Animation’s take on the Rapunzel fairy tale finally arrived in theaters last fall. Despite near-constant meddling from executives and marketing mavens during those long years, Tangled scored a hit with both critics and audiences, and is one of the most thoroughly satisfying offerings from Disney animators in years.

While it took Tangled‘s sizable domestic and international box office take to offset the massive costs incurred by a decade of endlessly rebooted production, the fact is that the film was a big hit – which makes it all that much more confusing that its home video release (available on DVD, Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo, and Four-Disc Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo) is so embarrassingly sparse. There are probably about 4-5 different versions of this film that were developed in the last ten years, and barely any of that work is hinted at in this release’s extra features. The apparent disregard by Disney’s home video department for fans and animation buffs is pretty glaring by this point, and the fact that a major new release comes out with barely any supplemental material shows how far things have fallen off at the studio since the glory days of the early 2000s. That being said, the movie is still excellent and well worth your time, so you might as well give into the darkness and check out this bare bones release!

Continue reading Progress City Home Theater: Tangled

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The 21st Century – Now Featuring HILARITY!

For a wide swath of Disney fans, Epcot Center of the early 1980s would be the first destination on any time-traveling itinerary. The list of fondly-remembered classics is legendary: Horizons, World of Motion, Journey into Imagination, Mr. Intelligence…

Wait, what?

Calllll the poliiiiiiccceeeee...

From Walt Disney World Eyes & Ears, February 2nd, 1984:

Epcot Center visitors casually strolling the bridge between Future World and World Showcase have recently encountered a most unusual sight: A young, studious-looking chap, sporting the attire of a gentleman scientist – silver bow tie-and-vest, pinstripe pants and lab coat – accompanied by a lovely young lady with the frozen pose of an android.

And indeed, that capsule description provides the starting point for Epcot Center’s most recent entertainment addition: “Mr. Intelligence.”

The fun begins with “Mr. Intelligence” puts his pretty “robot” creation through her paces. The “robot,” named IB4E (i before e, get it?), then engages in a number of delightful demonstration exercises “programmed” by “Mr. Intelligence” via a remote control device filled with colorful, blinking lights: Waving “hello,” walking, shaking hands … even flirting!

Later, “Mr. Intelligence” selects a youngster from the audience to help operate IB4E. The youthful volunteer unwittingly programs IB4E to snatch purses and unleash a physical attack on “Mr. Intelligence” himself!

The 15-minute show occurs Saturday through Wednesday, approximately every half hour from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 4 to 5 p.m.

Aside from the realization that even Epcot Center didn’t always exude 100% dignity, here are other stray thoughts:

  • Creepy.
  • Did the Clinkers know about this?
  • I’ll bet Bill Nye never puts this on his resume.
  • Why all the “air quotes” in this “article”?
  • At least I now know how to dress if I become a “gentleman scientist”.
  • If you have to explain the pun, it’s not worth it.

Somehow I missed this performance back in the day. Too busy riding Horizons over and over, I suppose.

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