Home > Pavilion > Cast Members
Throughout the site, we've taken an in-depth look at the show and the technology behind it,
but what about the people? Guest surveys have often pointed out that while cleanliness of the parks
and top-notch attractions are important, it's the employees--the Walt Disney World "Cast"--who truly
make their visits magical and memorable.
The "Cast" not only keeps everything running smoothly, they're a vital element in ensuring guest
safety, and perhaps most visibly to guests, help "create the magic". Whether it's just a warm smile;
joking with guests in line, to help them pass the time; or going the "extra mile" to solve a guest's
problem; the Cast is there quietly "making magic happen".
Let's take a look at the Cast, from what it means to be a "Cast Member" in Playing a Role, to
Costuming, Training, Duties, memories and more.