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Universe of Energy's Primeval Diorama doesn't simply capture a moment in time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. It actually covers a span of of some 300 million years, from the murky swamps of the Carboniferous Period, through the violent upheaval of the late Cretaceous Period, and finally the dinosaurs demise.

To present a complete picture of this amazing timeline, we offer two different views:

Diorama Timeline
The Diorama Timeline offers a graphic, interactive view of how the Diorama's 300 million year story unfolds. It visually divides the five geologic periods that are presented, and introduces us to the dinosaurs and settings for each period.

Dinosaur Timeline
The Dinosaur Timeline takes us deeper into each period, showing us when each of the dinosaurs lived, and gives us a glimpse of what each period was like. Links to additional resources on each period expand the story, and allow you to learn much more than is possible in the brief journey through the Diorama.