Home > Preshow

Most pre-shows are, at best, "fillers" until the main show or ride begins--something to keep the guests at least mildly entertained or distracted while they're waiting. At their worst, they can be shameless promotions for an attraction's sponsor.

Universe of Energy's pre-show, however, is much different--and in fact saddling it with the term "pre-show" is an injustice, given the connotations that the term carries. The original pre-show for Universe of Energy, the absolutely dazzling "Kinetic Mosaic" by Czech filmmaker and artist Emil Radok, was regarded by many as better than some "main shows."

Beyond the quality of Energy's pre-shows, they are also a very integral part of the entire presentation. They set the mood and establish a very important factual or thematic groundwork for the attraction beyond.

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