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Though we like to think that this site offers a lot, what you see here is only half of the EPCOT's Universe of Energy community. Where's the other half? On Yahoo Groups. In case you're not familiar with Yahoo Groups (formerly eGroups), it's a free "online community" which allows members to discuss and share in topics of mutual interest. There are public message boards, live chat, downloads, and more.

EPCOT's Universe of Energy actually started on Yahoo. We were quickly joined by some truly great people, with whom we've formed own virtual community. We've had some great discussions, from how Universe of Energy's amazing ride system works, to topics of general interest to Disney fans. Along the way, many of us have forged new friendships or strengthened existing ones.

EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site picks up where the Group leaves off, and vice versa. They're a perfect complement to one another, with the Companion Site offering a wealth of information, media, and exhibits; and the Group offering a lively and interesting discussion forum.

We certainly hope you'll enjoy both the Companion Site and the Group. If you'd like to join us on the EPCOT's Universe of Energy Group on Yahoo, it's quick, easy, and free! You can visit the Group's page at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/epcotsuniverseofenergy/. If you're not familiar with Yahoo Groups, and want to look around a bit before you decide to join, please be our guest! You'll find extensive help and additional information on the Yahoo site.

If you prefer, you can use the Yahoo sign-up box below to sign up right away! Note that your email address does not go to us, but to Yahoo. Just enter your email address and click the Yahoo! buttton below.

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EPCOT's Universe of Energy
on Yahoo Groups

Enter your email address below,
then click the purple Yahoo button.