Home > Diorama > Dinosaur Resources

Though this only scratches the surface of what is available on the Web, we would like to share some resources that we discovered while compiling information for this site. As we find others worthy of sharing, we'll include them as well. We also welcome your input on your favorite dinosaur resources. Please feel free to email the Webmaster with your recommendations.

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BBC Walking with Dinosaurs:
This is an amazing and lavishly designed site. It contains a wealth of dinosaur information; a unique "viewer" window on each dinosaur "fact page", which offers multiple views and even animations of the dinosaurs; and much more. The stunning illustrations and backgrounds will set the mood for dinosaur exploration better than any other site we've seen. This is a must-visit site!

Dinosauria Online:
Dinosauria is a very comprehensive resource, featuring a wealth of information, photo gallery, and more. We've barely begun to explore all that this site has to offer, and it definitely warrants a return visit.

University of California, Berkley Museum of Paleontology:
This site was immensely valuable in establishing the Dinosaur Timeline page. In addition to the Geologic Timeline, it offers a glimpse of life in each period, and much more.

Enchanted Learning: Zoom Dinosaurs
This site seems to be geared toward school-aged kids, but we'd recommend it for all ages. It's perfect for "dinosaur neophytes," as it doesn't make any assumptions of prior knowledge of the subject. It covers everything from "what is a dinosaur" to physical characteristics, classifications, and much, much more--all in a clear, no-nonsense writing style that's both easy and enjoyable to read.