As a bit of an obsessive-compulsive, I love looking at the statistics that my blogging software compiles about this website. I love seeing where you guys come from, how many of you there are, and I especially love looking at the keywords that people use to find the blog. As it stands, the all-time most popular web searches that have led people here are image searches for “wall-e eve” and variations thereof. You people love WALL-E and EVE, and apparently can’t find enough pictures of them out there. Somehow this page has worked its way up the Google image search rankings so that “wall-e eve” tends to bring people this way, so I thought it was time to make sure that these wayward robophiles found something at the end of their browsing. So here are several stills straight from Disney of WALL-E and his lady EVE. Click on each to embiggen, and enjoy!
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