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Inside Out! Episode Five

It’s been quite a week… quite a month… quite a year… pretty much all around the world. So why not let’s escape all that – escape through space and time to a magical place called 1994. When the world was new.

Yes, it’s time for a new episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out, this […]

Inside Out! Episode Four

For your Friday night viewing…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out. I have thus deprived you of the opportunity to see host Scott Heriott belittle World Showcase cast members with awkward racist jokes, and to see Howie Mandel stalk and harass confused guests at the Disney-MGM […]

L’Omlette Superb!

The other day on The Twitter™ I commented that Disney should have a special event featuring a three-course meal based on the food that Father is cooking in the three different finales the Carousel of Progress has presented since 1975. In Act IV of Walt Disney World’s original 1975 Carousel, he’s making chili. In […]

Beachin’ Bertha

In the early days of Walt Disney World, watercraft were a fundamental element of new parks. When the Magic Kingdom opened alongside the rest of the resort in 1971, any number of rafts, launches, steamships, and ferries took to the waters of Bay Lake and the Seven Seas Lagoon for shakedown cruises. The Rivers of […]

Inside Out! Episode Two

Last week we took a look at the first episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out, the monthly program which ran on the old Disney Channel from 1994-97. Gird yourself for some abrasive 90s video techniques, because we’re going back to July of 1994 – this time with a vague outdoorsy theme to match the […]