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Dick Nunis & The Amazing Tiny Pants

The Disney Look – Summer Options for Supervisory and Office Personnel

Once upon a time…

Dick Nunis was the head of what is now known as Disney Parks & Resorts.

Nunis had risen through the ranks back in Walt’s day, eventually receiving the assignment of traveling to Florida to whip things into shape when Walt […]

In The Beginning… There Was Project Future

Long before the Pueblo Room was a glint in Dick Nunis’s eye, planning was underway for Walt Disney World. Who knows how long Walt had mulled privately over his ideas for a megaproject in the east; but even before the scope of his plans for the Florida scrub became apparent to the public, work was […]

Meanwhile, On Scenic Bay Lake…

With all the stress of the modern world, why not instead take a trip to our happy place?

Now this is what I call a Vacation Kingdom:

Wow. Just try getting that song out of your head. I guarantee that for the rest of your life when you heard someone mention River Country you’ll […]

History’s Mysteries – What Is This?

The mysterious rendering in question

So here’s one for you – what’s this a picture of?

I found this rendering in the State Archives of Florida, listed as an “Artist’s rendering of Disney World, Orlando”. There were no specifics, and no date.

If I had to guess, I’d say that it dates from the late […]

Neverworlds – Lost Lands Of LEGO

In the World Showcase section, where international villages dot the edge of a 45-acre, man-made lagoon, Disney engineers intend to build pavilions representing Israel, Equatorial Africa, Venezuela, Spain and Morocco. Also under consideration are pavilions representing the Netherlands and Denmark. – The Miami Herald, October 3rd, 1982

When the announcement was made that Merlin Entertainments […]