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I Want To Go To There.

Artist’s rendering of Thunder Mesa, circa 1969

No, this isn’t a big article about Western River Expedition. I’m not yet ready to make that rite of passage that every Disney blog eventually must face. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do since day one, but I just haven’t had that breakthrough of research yet to […]

Kingdom Construction

The Magic Kingdom under construction; the Utilidor entrance is towards the bottom right and the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea site is to its left

A quick note that Progress Citizen Matt Feige has posted some interesting photographs of the Magic Kingdom under construction. Check them out!

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Widen Your World!

Today’s riveting historical find that has me agog is this amazing video, taken in 1988, of the rarely documented attraction if you could fly. This short-lived ride was a re-named version of the fan classic if you had wings, necessitated when Eastern Airlines dropped their sponsorship of that original attraction. The changes were superficial and […]

Well, I Swan…

Oh lighten up, Snow…

I have nothing at all profound to say except that this picture amused me with its total randomness. First we have Cinderella doing her Garbo in the prow of the Swan Boat, with Donald at her side – of course. Donald has a balloon. Snow White’s sitting off to the side, […]