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"Just ignore her Morris, and she'll go away!"Alternate Proposed Caption: "Do these change your mind about seeing the dessert tray?"Tertiary Proposed Caption: "Giant Pepper Mills = Classy."

As I just said, it’s extremely difficult to take notes from 1970s issues of Eyes and Ears without finding one or two things per issue that […]

Lake Buena Vista Chronicles: Selling The Magic, 1972

Despite the fact that the Lake Buena Vista area is a critical element of the early Vacation Kingdom aesthetic, it often seems that Disney itself had a poor handle on what, exactly, the development was and why it existed. Trying to track the history of the Lake Buena Vista village’s intended purpose is a […]

Hot Deals! Frozen Meat!

From the Eyes & Ears of Walt Disney World, March 18, 1977:

Frozen Meat Sale!!!

I don’t know exactly why this amuses me as much as it does. Perhaps it’s the boldly declarative title announcing, without apparent excitement, “FROZEN MEAT SALE.” Perhaps it’s the fact that the Gourmet Pantry somehow found themselves with an “abundance” […]

Dining Around The World, 1987


Guests staying at the Walt Disney World resorts in 1987 might have found this flier waiting in their room. It touts one of the benefits of staying on-property – reserved dining at the resort’s exclusive restaurants!

I love the sense of classiness the flier’s graphics imply. The tuxedoed waiter serves wine over candlelight; the […]

Ten Wishes for the New Year: #3

Those of you who are new to Progress City – and there are many! – can catch up with previous entries in this series here.

#3 – Overhaul Resort Transportation Guess which one transfixed me as a child with its awesomeness? Go ahead, guess.

Criticism – even loving, constructive criticism like the kind your friends […]