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December At The Walt Disney Family Museum

I’m a few days late with the update for this month, but fear not because the Walt Disney Family Museum has an excellent slate for goodies for your holiday season. Time for Christmas with Walt!


FILM OF THE MONTH – November 26-December 31 Christmas with Walt Disney 1:00pm and 4:00pm daily, […]

November At The Walt Disney Family Museum

November has arrived, and with it the chilly weather, football, and regret at too much Halloween candy eaten. It also means it’s time to celebrate the birthday of ol’ Topolino himself, Mickey Mouse, who turns 82 this year. Hard to believe, really.

Anyway, this auspicious birthday means a month of programming at the Walt Disney […]


Something I keep neglecting to mention is that the Walt Disney Family Museum has started its own blog, Storyboard. The blog features stories about goings-on at the Museum, as well as tales of historical interest about Walt and his artists. Most recently, prolific Disney author Jeff Kurtti penned a tribute to actor James MacArthur.


A Giant Among Museums

For those of you in the Bay Area…

I just received a notice from the Walt Disney Family Museum that during the World Series, visitors can receive $10 off admission to the museum if they wear an item of San Francisco Giants logo apparel. I’m a Braves fan myself, but you National League folks […]

Move Over, Anaheim

To rub in the fact that most of us aren’t remotely cool at all, the Walt Disney Family Museum is having a series of events this weekend to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Disneyland. A number of Disney luminaries will gather over the course of three days to discuss the park and Walt himself. Tickets […]