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Disney animators and staff play Caxanga in Brazil during the 1941 “El Grupo” goodwill trip. The four players are Norm Ferguson, Bill Cottrell, Mary Blair, and Jack Cutting.

For decades now, Disney has been releasing its archival titles to home media, and as the years have passed we’ve seen a number of formats come and go. […]

All Froze Up

The long, long, long development process that has plagued Disney’s animated interpretation of Hans Christian Andersen’s 1845 tale The Snow Queen might actually have an end in sight. Now tagged with the “hip and edgy” moniker Frozen, the computer-animated adaptation is slated for release November 27, 2013. The film has been in development, on […]

And Now, Some Stills From Wreck-It Ralph

A few pieces of art have emerged from Disney animation’s upcoming (and awkwardly-named) 2012 release, Wreck-It Ralph. The computer-rendered film tells the story of an 8-bit era video game villain in the Donkey Kong vein who has to deal not only with living in the modern digital world but also the fact that his heart […]

Surprise Snowstorm

Funny story…

So last week I headed over to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for a neat 100th birthday tribute to artist Mary Blair. It was a fun show, hosted by the always-delightful Alice Davis, and featured a panel of artists who discussed Blair’s work.

A rather surprising fact-drop occurred when moderator […]

Mort… C’est Mort?

Not much to report yet but word has come to me that Mort, the animated feature which Ron Clements and John Musker had planned to adapt from Terry Pratchett’s 1987 fantasy/comedy novel, has been abandoned. I’ve been given no explanation yet for why this happened, but it’s yet another promising project down the drain at […]