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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 65 – Snow! Part II

Prentis Hale, Walt Disney, John Hench, and Tommy Walker

The Progress City Radio Hour returns to the slopes for more snowbound adventure! We have a wintry mix of tales including a trip to Switzerland with Walt to film on the slopes of the Matterhorn, a look at Disney’s involvement in the 1960 Winter Olympics, and a […]

The Disney Centennial

Lillian, Walt, Ruth, Roy, and Edna Disney outside the Disney Brothers Studio

One hundred years ago today, on October 16th, 1923, the Disney Brothers Studio was founded in Los Angeles. What began as a shoestring operation of just a handful of people has, in the ensuing century, become the singular, dominant force in the global entertainment […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 50 – Fifty Happy Episodes!

Fifty! FIFTY!

Fifty episodes! Can you believe it? It’s true though – The Progress City Radio Hour has hit its fiftieth episode mark. And to celebrate, we’re looking at some 50th anniversary celebrations from the past: 1973’s 50th anniversary of Walt Disney Productions, and 1978’s 50th birthday of Mickey Mouse. Thankfully each of these events were […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 31 – Scott Girard Town Hall, Part I

Disney landscapers lower the Liberty Oak into place in Liberty Square in 1971. Among the crew are Scott Girard (to the left, in orange shirt), Charlie Sepulveda (the yellow shirt, center), and Bill Evans (the mint green shirt, far right).

Today! The Progress City Radio Hour presents part one of our Town Hall with veteran […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 29 – Frontierland! Part II

The Progress City Radio Hour sets sail down the mighty Mississippi for more wild west excitement in Frontierland! In part two of this month’s episode we look at how Mark Twain influenced Walt Disney’s youth. We’ll also look at Frontierland dining options from Disneyland’s past, hear a catchy ditty about Nature’s Wonderland, and continue […]