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By Michael - July 7th, 2010 Imagineering model of Mystic Manor for Hong Kong Disneyland, D23 Expo, 2009
Hey, remember when this was happening? Yeah, I keep forgetting too.
While we’re here, we might as well have a few more pictures…
Storyboard art depicts the various show scenes in sequence from the Mystic Manor attraction Storyboards depicting the second half […]
By Michael - February 6th, 2010 A saw a story yesterday that made me realize that there have been a lot of little bits and pieces of news trickling out lately about new attractions that are coming to some of the less-covered Disney parks overseas. These developments don’t tend to get the coverage that new American attractions receive, so I thought […]
By Michael - September 20th, 2009 Nothing to see here… these aren’t the toys you’re looking for… (Photo:
One of the stranger moments of my D23 Expo experience was having one of my questions shot down by Bruce Vaughn, the Chief Creative Executive of Imagineering. At a press conference following the panel discussion of the creation of Pixar-based attractions for […]
By Michael - September 13th, 2009 Oh lordy.
I managed to make it back to the motor lodge, but I’m not sure I can keep my eyes open long enough to say anything intelligible. For those of you planning on coming to D23 next year, I recommend an extensive training regimen and sleep deprivation training. It’s hard core.
Anyway, if you […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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