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By Michael - February 8th, 2011
“Maybe we ought to open up on those things instead of playing down to our medium or our public. That’s the very thing we like to have, a challenge.” – Walt Disney
This single quote speaks volumes to explain the devout admiration and fascination so many hold for the works of Walt Disney. It […]
By Michael - June 10th, 2010 Trayas, from Nightingale, by Mike Gabriel
I recently mentioned the unmade film Ramayana, once rumored to be in the works at the Disney animation studio. I’ve yet to see any artwork for this project; instead, a lot of fan sites on the internet mistake concept art for another project as being from Ramayana. This other […]
By Michael - January 21st, 2010 Concept art for The Velveteen Rabbit by Fred Warter
The last decade, filled as it was with corporate turmoil at the Walt Disney Company, has proved a veritable elephant’s graveyard of abandoned ideas and projects at Walt Disney Animation. First there were the long-in-gestation projects that were scuttled with the purge of traditional animation […]
By Michael - April 16th, 2008 Although unconfirmed, it’s widely believed that Pixar director Andrew Stanton’s next film after WALL-E will be John Carter of Mars. The science-fiction film, based on the series of novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs, has been alternately rumored to be animated, live-action or a hybrid of both. Yet it is not Hollywood’s first attempt to film […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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