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By Michael - August 11th, 2009 A guest takes a fiery plunge down Pele’s Plummet in the domed jungle of Lava Lagoon
To even the most devoted of American Disney fans, the Disneyland Resort in Paris can all too often become an afterthought. Being so far out of sight, it easily falls out of mind, especially when it does little to […]
By Michael - May 21st, 2009 The S.S. Disney, from bow to stern: the Orbitron, a ferris wheel, the glass-covered multideck hub area, the Casey Jr. Circus Train and glass-canopied carousel, and its a small world (Mark Hickson)
Hey, remember in 1994 when Disney built a traveling theme park inside the hull of a massive supertanker? You don’t? That’s because it’s […]
By Michael - April 29th, 2009 This is our 200th post here at Progress City, and I wanted to do something a little special to mark this milestone of my unexpected commitment. Something from the Bicentennial would be appropriate, I thought, but those seem like they were pretty depressing times so I decided to skip it. Instead we’re going to feature […]
By Michael - March 6th, 2008 What if Pooh’s “100-Acre Wood” was in Anaheim? Or Ariel and Sebastian found their new undersea home here? What if Anaheim could be home to not two, but three Disney parks?
– Excerpt from
Yes, what about that, Mr. Eisner?
With all the fooferall surrounding recent rumors of a fifth gate (or 4th […]
By Michael - November 22nd, 2007
“Every day, a diverse and unlikely society, made up of every culture and race on earth, is working together to build a great nation. We have a single vision – a new order based on the promise of democracy.
Our resources for building this nation are a rich mixture of land, family and beliefs […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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