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By Michael - April 30th, 2010 “George Morrow, Jimmy Allen and Mel Glass join together to perform nightly at our Golf Resort Hotel’s Trophy Room as the Dixie Deltas.” GOLF RESORT’S DIXIE DELTAS ADDS A DANCE FLOOR
Our Golf Resort Hotel recently added a dance floor in the Trophy Room to make evening dining more entertaining. And performing nightly for your […]
By Michael - April 3rd, 2010 1978 was a different time. Barely emerged from the Age of Aspic, America slowly began to look for more engaging foodstuffs. No longer content to chase down their flank steak and poached asparagus with a couple of old fashioneds and a kind word to the waitress, Americans wanted something more – they wanted dessert.
Thankfully, […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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