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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 63 – Town Hall: Scott Hennesy, Part II

Former Imagineering Show Writer Scott Hennesy returns to the Radio Hour! In this episode Scott answers some lingering questions from last time before taking us to Tokyo to discuss his adventures there. From Juicy Lucy to Chandu, there’s a lot to talk about. Pack your duffle – it’s the Progress City Radio Hour!

Listen below, and […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 44 – Voyages Extraordinaires!

Walt and Kirk Douglas frolic on the set of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

We’re back with a new episode of the Progress City Radio Hour! This month we’re talking about voyages extraordinaires – Disney’s run-ins with Jules Verne and the scientific romances of old. Leading off, we talk about the making of the 1954 classic […]

Take A Tour of Tokyo DisneySea

Here’s something I’ve wanted to share for quite some time now – it’s a video that made the rounds on the Disney fan circuit years ago, and is still some of the best documentation out there of Tokyo DisneySea. This spectacular park – Tokyo Disney Resort’s “second gate” – opened in 2001, and is world-renowned […]

Looking Back At 25 Years Of Tokyo Disneyland

This year, the Tokyo Disney Resort observed its 30th anniversary. Since its opening on April 15, 1983, millions upon millions have streamed through the gates of Tokyo Disneyland and its sister park, Tokyo DisneySea, which opened in 2001. Today, the two parks are known as paragons of Disney quality, maintained to the highest standard and […]

Around The Disney World, 1977 – Tokyo Disneyland

Tokyo Disneyland conference room at WED Enterprises

We’ve seen what was happening at EPCOT Center in 1977, but sometimes it’s interesting to look at where projects were in their development relative to others. In many ways, Tokyo Disneyland and EPCOT Center were twin developments; their design and construction overlapped through the late 1970s and early […]