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By Michael - March 19th, 2009 And so we continue…
#5 – Rethink Tomorrowland Welcome to… THE FUTURE!!!
I realize that most of my discussions so far have involved the Walt Disney World resort, as that is my main area of concern. This item, however, applies equally to all the Magic Kingdom parks worldwide and is an issue that should be […]
By Michael - October 10th, 2008 Ladies and gentlemen, your new chair of the Federal Reserve
So, the economy.
With the Dow plunging straight into the Briar Patch and investment banks worldwide failing like the Disney Institute, one might wonder what the economic crunch might mean for Disney’s plans for upgrading their theme parks. In the last few days, we’ve started […]
By Michael - August 23rd, 2008 That ol’ Rumor Mill is a funny thing. Long, long droughts can occur and it seems like nothing new will ever come over the transom. Then, all of a sudden, there’s a flash flood of new speculation to sift through. Such is the case now, as the rumors concerning Walt Disney World’s impending 40th anniversary […]
By Michael - November 11th, 2007 Here’s some bits and bobs to clean out my stack of interesting stories that have been piling up…
First, we have Mickey Mouse from the Year 900!!!
The “Stuff From the Parks” blog has posted this fascinating diagram from 1954 of a proposed layout for Main Street at Disneyland. Notable are the early ideas for […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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