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By Michael - May 11th, 2010 Oh lighten up, Snow…
I have nothing at all profound to say except that this picture amused me with its total randomness. First we have Cinderella doing her Garbo in the prow of the Swan Boat, with Donald at her side – of course. Donald has a balloon. Snow White’s sitting off to the side, […]
By Michael - June 22nd, 2009 In our recent article about Fantasia Gardens, I brought up the Plaza Swan Boats. If you read the linked articles about the Magic Kingdom attraction, which operated from 1973 to 1983, you might have noticed that while the ride was still in the park, one of the individual ride vehicles had been converted into a […]
By Michael - June 19th, 2009 This one’s a bit of a surprise. Most Disney folks, myself included, upon reading that headline would probably think of the fairly well-known but unbuilt Fantasia Gardens – the boat attraction based on the animated film that was intended to be part of Animal Kingdom’s “Beastly Kingdom.”
Concept art for the Animal Kingdom’s Fantasia Gardens […]
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 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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