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By Michael - June 28th, 2010 One of Imagineer Tim Delaney’s famous renderings for EPCOT’s The Living Seas pavilion
The last time we spoke of Imagineer Tim Delaney was last year, when he departed Walt Disney Imagineering after thirty-three years with the company. Fans mourned his loss to WDI, as Delaney was a well-known name who had worked on a number […]
By Michael - November 3rd, 2009 Disney put out a press release this evening, which has already led to an article in the New York Times, trumpeting the fact that a deal has been approved for Shanghai Disneyland.
But wait a minute.
No doubt pushed to show their hand by my shocking exposee from two days ago, Disney has done nothing […]
By Michael - November 1st, 2009 For nearly two decades, beginning with Frank Wells wining and dining Chinese officials in 1990, the Disney corporation has danced around the possibility of building a theme park in Shanghai. China’s largest city was long a target destination for former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, but despite frequent negotiations during the 1990s the park was never […]
By Michael - July 1st, 2009 While I was writing about Hong Kong Disneyland, news apparently continued to happen.
On the subject of Hong Kong, there was a key provision of the expansion deal that I neglected to mention. It was reported, and widely reiterated in the press, that two of the new areas – Grizzly Trail and Mystic Point – […]
By Michael - June 24th, 2009 What’s behind castle #1?
Breaking, from Reuters, also reported by the Wall Street Journal:
HONG KONG, June 25 (Reuters) – Hong Kong has reached a deal with the Walt Disney Co (DIS) to expand the local Disney theme park, seen as necessary to bolster the park’s long-term prospects against a Shanghai rival, a newspaper reported […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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