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By Michael - January 14th, 2012 A rare ray of sunshine appeared this week for Disneyland Paris, which has spent most of the last twenty years unable to finance expansion because of a domino effect of economic badness. The resort’s second gate, the Walt Disney Studios park, bears the unhappy distinction of being officially The Worst Disney Park In The World, […]
By Michael - February 6th, 2010 A saw a story yesterday that made me realize that there have been a lot of little bits and pieces of news trickling out lately about new attractions that are coming to some of the less-covered Disney parks overseas. These developments don’t tend to get the coverage that new American attractions receive, so I thought […]
By Michael - September 20th, 2009 Nothing to see here… these aren’t the toys you’re looking for… (Photo:
One of the stranger moments of my D23 Expo experience was having one of my questions shot down by Bruce Vaughn, the Chief Creative Executive of Imagineering. At a press conference following the panel discussion of the creation of Pixar-based attractions for […]
By Michael - April 8th, 2009
In the realm of Disney parks these days, there are the haves and the have-nots. The “haves” are fortunate enough to have an executive team that recognizes the need for expansion and refurbishment, and were also lucky enough to secure funding for these projects before the economic situation worsened. The “have-nots” are… well, in […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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