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This Month’s Podcasts: Into the Wilderness!

Bob Baranick and Phantom Manor

Another month means another wave of Progress City Radio Hour episodes! This month we head off into the wilderness with a wide range of frontier discussion and yet another interview with a veteran theme park designer.

First comes our Wilderness episode. Here we grab our musket and […]

New Podcasts: Interviews and Snowy Things!

Frank Stanek

The podcast train keeps on rolling, as we have some new episodes of The Progress City Radio Hour for you. For starters, we have an extensive two-part interview with former Disney executive Frank Stanek, who began by flipping pancakes at Disneyland in 1961. He went on to work at the 1964/65 […]


Three years goes by pretty quick, doesn’t it?

Not that much has changed. Aside, of course, from the sweeping global pandemic that has kept us locked up inside for four months.

There’s at least one positive (?) outcome of all this cabin fever – there has been plenty of time for podcast shenanigans. I’ve […]

This Week In Me Talking About Stuff

From across the aether this week come the voices of myself and Beacon Joe thanks to the fine folks at WEDWay Radio. The first, briefer piece is a news update about the death last week of Ray Bradbury, science fiction icon and friend of Walt Disney. We discuss an interview I conducted with Bradbury in […]

WEDway + EPCOT + Me

This week the great guys at the always-amusing WEDway Radio podcast celebrate their 100th episode – an amazing milestone in any medium! To celebrate, they decided to host a round-table discussion about a subject obviously near and dear to me – EPCOT Center, and the Future World of old. I was honored to be invited, […]