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By Michael - March 11th, 2017 Few topics are more fascinating for fans than the mysterious realm of unbuilt Disney attractions. Occasionally, we’re lucky enough to come across rarely-seen artwork for these attractions in the online portfolios of Imagineers. I recently spotted a few rare gems in the profile of veteran designer Bob Baranick, and thought I’d point them out here.
By Michael - February 12th, 2013 Sometimes you can see a picture a dozen times and miss a very crucial detail. I recently watched the 1987 Disney Channel special, Backstage Disney: The American Adventure; I’ve seen this show several times since its debut oh so long ago, but somehow every time I did, I seemed to miss a very important detail.
By Michael - February 20th, 2012 "How Not To Be Seen: Bathroom Edition"
We’ve spoken at length – some might say disturbing length – about the fabled “Lost Danish Potties” of World Showcase. Essentially, what are now the bathrooms for EPCOT’s Norway pavilion (opened in 1988) were originally constructed as a stand-alone building in 1982. They were intended for […]
By Michael - January 4th, 2012 One hallmark of Walt Disney World since its very earliest inception is the ambitious master plan; the sweeping, grand vision which is slowly whittled away and watered down once the practicalities of construction and the vagaries of history take their toll. While the construction of the resort in the late 1960s involved a massive amount […]
By Michael - June 19th, 2011 For those of us in the lowly demographic called “fandom”, true insight is only gained through extreme displays of excess and obsessiveness. This especially holds true when researching older Imagineering projects, and most particularly projects that were somehow altered or never came to be. So little artwork or information escapes from Fortress Disney, that each […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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