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By Michael - November 18th, 2010 The estimable Mickey Mouse turns 82 today; hopefully, his birthday is made more happy because it comes on the cusp of a new wave of recognition thanks to the impending Epic Mickey videogame. It’s hard to believe that the corporate icon of today – the giggling, krumping creature of the “Disney Dance Crew” – was […]
By Michael - November 3rd, 2010 November has arrived, and with it the chilly weather, football, and regret at too much Halloween candy eaten. It also means it’s time to celebrate the birthday of ol’ Topolino himself, Mickey Mouse, who turns 82 this year. Hard to believe, really.
Anyway, this auspicious birthday means a month of programming at the Walt Disney […]
By Michael - October 28th, 2010 One of the more amusing yet tragic moments of the recent Destination D event in California came after a presentation of Disneyland history which featured video clips of television specials and park events of years past. Many of these pieces of history were definitely “of an era,” often embarrassingly so. One thing has become clear, […]
By Michael - July 27th, 2010 From the Disney Channel, in 1988:
It’s hard to believe that 1988 was the last time the Disney company publicly celebrated Mickey’s birthday – in this case, his 60th. Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, Disney park celebrations were often centered on specific anniversaries or events. In 1981 it was Walt Disney World’s “Tencennial”. […]
By Michael - December 16th, 2009 “Wouldn’t you rather have your child watching cartoons than… than reading Elinor Glyn?” “What Elinor Glyn reads is her mother’s business!”
One thing that many Disney fans have long groused about, and something that I’ve talked about here, is the process by which Mickey Mouse has been transformed over the years from a funny and […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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