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By Michael - November 22nd, 2013
It was with an overwhelming sense of shock that I learned on Tuesday that the world had lost Diane Disney Miller, first daughter of Walt Disney and the founder of the Walt Disney Family Museum, to a lingering injury brought on by a fall in September. It continues to seem unthinkable that Diane could […]
By Michael - October 10th, 2010 Here, courtesy of the events at Destination D, are a series of pictures of Walt Disney in funny hats. This seems to have happened more often than one might think – the Wonderful World of Color shows are often a rich source of Walt Disney in funny hats.
I’m drawn to Walt Disney in funny […]
By Michael - July 5th, 2010
This is a fun story that I’ve been holding on to for a while; thankfully, our recent discussion of Disney legend Herbert Ryman presents the perfect opportunity to print it. The following tale was presented in the May 14th, 1982 edition of the WED-MAPO Imaginews, an internal publication for Disney Imagineers.
Walt’s Elephants Are […]
By Michael - January 11th, 2010 “Walt Disney and his wife Lillian arrive in Honolulu for a week’s stay, Oct. 23, 1934.” (AP Photo)
Looking good, guys! Have fun at the hukilau!
I was going to research a little story to accompany this nice photo of Walt and Lilly arriving in Honolulu for vacation, but why should I bother when I’d […]
By Michael - April 12th, 2009 Walt Disney and family – wife Lillian and daughters Diane and Sharon – arrive in Los Angeles from Europe on August 1st, 1949 (AP Photo)
The outbreak of World War II had an enormous effect on Walt Disney Productions. Overseas film markets, which had contributed greatly to Walt’s profits on earlier films, were completely shut […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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