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By Michael - August 10th, 2021 Disney landscapers lower the Liberty Oak into place in Liberty Square in 1971. Among the crew are Scott Girard (to the left, in orange shirt), Charlie Sepulveda (the yellow shirt, center), and Bill Evans (the mint green shirt, far right).
Today! The Progress City Radio Hour presents part one of our Town Hall with veteran […]
By Michael - September 30th, 2020 Bob Baranick and Phantom Manor
Another month means another wave of Progress City Radio Hour episodes! This month we head off into the wilderness with a wide range of frontier discussion and yet another interview with a veteran theme park designer.
First comes our Wilderness episode. Here we grab our musket and […]
By Michael - August 27th, 2020 Frank Stanek
The podcast train keeps on rolling, as we have some new episodes of The Progress City Radio Hour for you. For starters, we have an extensive two-part interview with former Disney executive Frank Stanek, who began by flipping pancakes at Disneyland in 1961. He went on to work at the 1964/65 […]
By Michael - March 11th, 2017 Few topics are more fascinating for fans than the mysterious realm of unbuilt Disney attractions. Occasionally, we’re lucky enough to come across rarely-seen artwork for these attractions in the online portfolios of Imagineers. I recently spotted a few rare gems in the profile of veteran designer Bob Baranick, and thought I’d point them out here.
By Michael - November 26th, 2013 The true gems of being a nerd and researching anything are those moments where you find a bizarre connection that you absolutely never expected and which completely blows your mind. It happens fairly often in the Disneysphere, I think, because over the years the company has employed so many creative and technical personnel who have […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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