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Oh, Eisner – 1986 Edition

Previously, on as the Eisner turns, we’d seen our doughty new CEO wrap up his first complete year at the helm of Disney alongside his stalwart counterpart Frank Wells. Profits were on the rise, due in no small part to Eisner’s affinity for raising prices at the popular Disney resorts while cutting costs. There had […]

Jaw Hitting Floor In 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..

The S.S. Disney, from bow to stern: the Orbitron, a ferris wheel, the glass-covered multideck hub area, the Casey Jr. Circus Train and glass-canopied carousel, and its a small world (Mark Hickson)

Hey, remember in 1994 when Disney built a traveling theme park inside the hull of a massive supertanker? You don’t? That’s because it’s […]

Oh, Eisner – 1985 Edition

When last we met, a fresh-faced and ambitious young Michael Eisner and his laconic sidekick Frank Wells had rocketed to stardom, taking control of Walt Disney Productions after the ouster of its previous management. 1985 would mark the duo’s first full year in control of the company – how would it go? Would the […]

Oh, Eisner – 1984 Edition

This inaugurates a new series of posts entitled “Oh, Eisner…”, in which I will reproduce for you every single annual letter to Disney company stockholders that former CEO Michael Eisner ever wrote. Why? I have no idea. Because I can?

Actually, these old annual report letters can be pretty entertaining. There are fleeting mentions of […]