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By Michael - November 18th, 2022 Disney Legend Doris Hardoon poses with the carpeted mural in the preshow area of EPCOT’s Harvest Theater
As we continue our celebration of EPCOT’s 40th anniversary, our newest Progress City Radio Hour Town Hall features an interview with a Disney Legend who was there for it all. We’re so happy to bring to you the first […]
By Michael - June 15th, 2012 EPCOT Center’s Equatorial Africa Pavilion, as seen from World Showcase Lagoon in this Imagineering model
One of the seldom-heralded benefits to the theme park history nerd that the internet provides are the many, many artist portfolios that have appeared online over the years. Disney is notoriously stingy about releasing Imagineering art, especially that […]
By Michael - June 19th, 2011 For those of us in the lowly demographic called “fandom”, true insight is only gained through extreme displays of excess and obsessiveness. This especially holds true when researching older Imagineering projects, and most particularly projects that were somehow altered or never came to be. So little artwork or information escapes from Fortress Disney, that each […]
By Michael - August 4th, 2010 Herb Ryman at work on EPCOT Center’s Mexico pavilion
Herb Ryman’s work on EPCOT City for Walt Disney ended well before Walt Disney World’s debut in 1971. Ryman departed WED Enterprises that year, and set off on another round of world travels. He returned to the halls of Imagineering in 1976, though, in order to […]
By Michael - January 20th, 2010 In today’s entry in the “How’d that work out for ya?” file, we have this headline from the April, 1979 edition of the Disney Times.
An African Pavilion for EPCOT Center’s World Showcase came a step closer to reality with the recent receipt of a letter of intent from Kenya. Two other African nations, […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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