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Announcing The Progress City Public Library

Keep your Eyes and Ears on Walt Disney World with the Progress City Public Library

Hello everyone! For many, many years now I’ve put in a lot of hours scanning in a range of old Disney documents and ephemera for use in my research. I’ve also spent way too much time scouring eBay for such things, […]

Third Theme Park – It’s dot-com!

What if Pooh’s “100-Acre Wood” was in Anaheim? Or Ariel and Sebastian found their new undersea home here? What if Anaheim could be home to not two, but three Disney parks?

– Excerpt from

Yes, what about that, Mr. Eisner?

With all the fooferall surrounding recent rumors of a fifth gate (or 4th […]

Thanksgiving Special: Neverworlds – Disney’s America

“Every day, a diverse and unlikely society, made up of every culture and race on earth, is working together to build a great nation. We have a single vision – a new order based on the promise of democracy.

Our resources for building this nation are a rich mixture of land, family and beliefs […]