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By Michael - June 1st, 2022 Keep your Eyes and Ears on Walt Disney World with the Progress City Public Library
Hello everyone! For many, many years now I’ve put in a lot of hours scanning in a range of old Disney documents and ephemera for use in my research. I’ve also spent way too much time scouring eBay for such things, […]
By Michael - March 6th, 2008 What if Pooh’s “100-Acre Wood” was in Anaheim? Or Ariel and Sebastian found their new undersea home here? What if Anaheim could be home to not two, but three Disney parks?
– Excerpt from
Yes, what about that, Mr. Eisner?
With all the fooferall surrounding recent rumors of a fifth gate (or 4th […]
By Michael - November 22nd, 2007
“Every day, a diverse and unlikely society, made up of every culture and race on earth, is working together to build a great nation. We have a single vision – a new order based on the promise of democracy.
Our resources for building this nation are a rich mixture of land, family and beliefs […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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