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By Michael - November 19th, 2010 The ever-glamorous Diane Disney Miller
There’s an interesting story at The Telegraph about Diane Disney Miller, who has been granting interviews to mark the 70th anniversary of Fantasia. The piece has some interesting bits about Diane’s perspective on her role in the Disney legacy (I especially enjoyed the story about Walt telling her she shouldn’t […]
By Michael - October 17th, 2009 One of the things I’ve been most remiss in covering recently has been this month’s opening of the Walt Disney Family Museum. Sadly, due to circumstances beyond my control I was unable to attend the previews at the end of September, so I’ve had to miss out on all the historical goodness that Diane Disney […]
By Michael - April 12th, 2009 Walt Disney and family – wife Lillian and daughters Diane and Sharon – arrive in Los Angeles from Europe on August 1st, 1949 (AP Photo)
The outbreak of World War II had an enormous effect on Walt Disney Productions. Overseas film markets, which had contributed greatly to Walt’s profits on earlier films, were completely shut […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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