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D23 Exposition (Rave Edition)

And now, the rest of the story…

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D23 Exposition (Rant Edition)

My recent “brief” blogging absence began, roughly, around the time of this year’s D23 Expo in August. Even before that point, though, I had quite a few things I wanted to discuss about D23 in general and this year’s events in particular. Writing about the “official Disney fan club” is rather complicated for me, as […]

Hey, Look, It’s Mystic Manor

Imagineering model of Mystic Manor for Hong Kong Disneyland, D23 Expo, 2009

Hey, remember when this was happening? Yeah, I keep forgetting too.

While we’re here, we might as well have a few more pictures…

Storyboard art depicts the various show scenes in sequence from the Mystic Manor attraction Storyboards depicting the second half […]

A Brief Comment On The D23 Expo

Good evening.

I apologize that things have been ever so hush-hush here for several days. Rest assured, there are lots of new stories waiting in the wings. And a new podcast should be just a dream away…

But I did want to drop by tonight to make a comment about the news that was reported […]

On The Barricades With Mickey

There was something I intended to write about upon my return from the D23 Expo, but it wound up gathering a bit of dust on the shelf along with about two dozen other stories I still need to tell from that time. This one is about Disney and labor relations; what would have otherwise been […]