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By Michael - June 20th, 2013 Orlando Sour? Yes please!
One of the first truly awesome (for me) things I dug up while rummaging around the Disney Archives came when we were doing research to prepare for the Epcot 30th Anniversary event last year. In a box of files that once belonged to Imagineer John Hench, there was this […]
By Michael - June 19th, 2013 Marc Davis artwork for The Enchanted Snow Palace, a planned but never built attraction designed for Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom
Hi, remember me?
I apologize things have been dead around here for so long, but finally the fruits of my offline efforts are starting to appear. As you might have seen, Disney’s […]
By Michael - June 21st, 2012 Just an update for those interested in D23’s EPCOT Center 30th Anniversary Celebration; tickets did indeed go on sale this morning but the higher-tier tickets (which included an evening dessert party) sold out almost immediately. In well under a minute, apparently. The good news is that $65 tickets remain for purchase, and those offer all […]
By Michael - June 20th, 2012
This October 1st marks the 30th anniversary of EPCOT Center’s opening, an event that I’m sure one or two of you might be interested in. Good news, then, that D23 is holding a special event on September 30th to celebrate that anniversary with a day of intense, historical, geeky goodness. Tickets go on sale […]
By Michael - October 29th, 2011 And now, the rest of the story…
Related Posts…D23 Exposition (Rant Edition)Destination D: Walt Disney World 40thA Brief Comment On The D23 ExpoD23 – Day TwoTurns Out, I Am […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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