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By Michael - January 5th, 2012 Video leaked today of a presentation during which Imagineer Kevin Rafferty shows a pre-visualization video detailing a full, computer-generated ridethrough of the upcoming Radiator Springs Racers attraction for California Adventure.
Obviously, spoilers await…
It looks fun. And that just underscores what we’ve recently discussed – it’s a lengthy, detailed, elaborate, technically challenging and fun-looking ride… […]
By Michael - December 18th, 2011 For Disney fans of a critical bent, it used to be easy knowing where to channel one’s rage. Disneyland falling apart from neglect and mismanagement? Blame Paul Pressler and his gang of idiots. Key elements of Animal Kingdom’s master plan left out on opening day? Blame Eisner, or the “pencil pushers”. California Adventure? Blame everyone […]
By Michael - October 6th, 2010 The road to the future…
While the big changes coming to Disneyland remain unannounced and in the far future, its companion park California Adventure is in the midst of the greatest single overhaul ever of a Disney park. A number of unprecedented changes necessitated by the park’s disastrous initial design are underway, leading to the […]
By Michael - March 19th, 2009
When I was but a young Disney nerd in the pre-internet era, I was always hungry for details about the mysterious lost attractions from Disneyland’s past. Chief amongst these was the legendary Flying Saucers ride, which operated in Tomorrowland from 1961-66 and is still spoken about with wistfulness by those who were there at […]
By Michael - August 4th, 2008 The new gateway to Pixar Place. Photo nabbed from EpcotServo.
These are odd times for Disney theme park fans. After a decade of escalating affronts to the legacy of quality and good taste they had long taken for granted, relief came in the form of new CEO Bob Iger and the John Lasseter-led Pixar braintrust. […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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