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By Michael - January 7th, 2011 A model of the three Hong Kong Disneyland mini-land expansions from the 2009 D23 Expo
Before the holidays, Hong Kong Disneyland posted a rather triumphant video showing the construction that is currently underway in that park. The massive expansion site sits outside the park’s berm, and will contain three mini-lands: Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and […]
By Michael - January 24th, 2010 The Ministry of Information has released this new propaganda video about the expansion now under construction at Hong Kong Disneyland. It’s mostly fluff, but there are some nice peeks at unseen art and models for Mystic Harbor (yay!), Grizzly Trail (meh!) and Toy Story Land (BOO!). Actually, that “meh” for Grizzly Trail is probably unfair […]
By Michael - July 1st, 2009 I’m a pretty nice guy – really, I am. I consider myself fairly affable; I think being southern at least predisposes one to a general aspiration to pleasantness. I abhor confrontation. As much as I’d like to be Walt, I could never be Walt because I could never look someone in the eyes and tell […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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