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By Michael - July 24th, 2016 It’s been quite a week… quite a month… quite a year… pretty much all around the world. So why not let’s escape all that – escape through space and time to a magical place called 1994. When the world was new.
Yes, it’s time for a new episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out, this […]
By Michael - June 20th, 2014 For your Friday night viewing…
It’s been a while since I’ve posted an episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out. I have thus deprived you of the opportunity to see host Scott Heriott belittle World Showcase cast members with awkward racist jokes, and to see Howie Mandel stalk and harass confused guests at the Disney-MGM […]
By Michael - March 1st, 2013 1989 was a different age. That seems obvious when you consider just how (shockingly) long ago it was (please don’t think about it), but all those years seem like eons in the Disneysphere. How different was 1989 from today in the realm o’ Disney? Well just consider that in the year 1989 alone, The Disney-MGM […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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