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By Michael - September 16th, 2016 It’s Friday! And you deserve some retro Walt Disney World goodness.
This video comes from 1993. It’s one of a series of videos produced by General Motors for guests to the World of Motion pavilion at Epcot. Guests to the pavilion’s TransCenter were given a postcard they could send away to receive a free video. […]
By Michael - February 19th, 2011 It’s 1993, you’ve spent the last few years polishing your koopa-stomping skills, and you’re looking to challenge yourself? The solution, obviously, is to head to Pleasure Island at Walt Disney World for Super Mario Nights at the Super Nintendo Power Dome.
That’s right kids (excluding unaccompanied minors), in the monstrous inflatable dome you’ll be able […]
By Michael - April 2nd, 2010 Ah, the Disney travel planning video.
Disney’s been sending out these little gems for years now, first on VHS videotape and now on the much more compact DVD disc. The videos themselves have changed a lot over the years; nowadays, more often than not, they center on whatever the promotion-of-the-moment is. There’s typically a very […]
By Michael - January 16th, 2010 Once upon a time, ibis-crazed visitors to Walt Disney World could visit Discovery Island – a relaxing tropical hideaway in the center of Bay Lake. It was a pleasant little zoological park; the kind of subdued but atmospheric attraction that is rarely seen today.
In 1993, Discovery Island was looking for a new logo. Disney […]
By Michael - May 21st, 2009 The S.S. Disney, from bow to stern: the Orbitron, a ferris wheel, the glass-covered multideck hub area, the Casey Jr. Circus Train and glass-canopied carousel, and its a small world (Mark Hickson)
Hey, remember in 1994 when Disney built a traveling theme park inside the hull of a massive supertanker? You don’t? That’s because it’s […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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