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By Michael - June 17th, 2014 Continuing our recent theme of all things Star Tours, here’s the press conference that coincided with the ride’s January 9th, 1987 debut. The event features Dick Nunis, George Lucas, Michael Eisner, Marty Sklar, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, although the good Mr. Katzenberg seems to appear very little in this edited video.
There’s a lot here that […]
By Michael - June 6th, 2014 Like every other website, I am now required to meet a daily quota of posts about Star Wars.
Back in 1987, vacationers looking for a bit of “intergalactic pleasure travel” were able to embark for the first time on Star Tours at Disneyland. But while the attraction’s grand opening was held on January 9th, the […]
By Michael - June 5th, 2014 Heard any Star Wars news lately? Nah, me either.
Considering the recent explosion of all things Star Wars since Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, it’s interesting to look back at the beginnings of the company’s involvement with the Lucas empire. Overtures between the two parties went back as far as the Ron Miller era, when Imagineer […]
By Michael - February 12th, 2013 Sometimes you can see a picture a dozen times and miss a very crucial detail. I recently watched the 1987 Disney Channel special, Backstage Disney: The American Adventure; I’ve seen this show several times since its debut oh so long ago, but somehow every time I did, I seemed to miss a very important detail.
By Michael - February 9th, 2013 Recently, as part of their “limited time magic” promo, Walt Disney World held an event which let guests mingle with “obscure” Disney characters. In the end the characters they featured were neither obscure or even particularly rare, but the concept in general is a good one. Disney history is littered with characters who were used […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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