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By Michael - July 12th, 2020 Here’s to the future and you!
In the lead-up to the creation of Epcot Center during the 1970s, a common refrain from Disney publicity was that, in many ways, Walt’s futuristic dream for the city of EPCOT had already come true in the Florida swamps. The underlying systems and technologies in use at […]
By Michael - February 17th, 2013 Engine 275, a Baldwin 4-6-0, en route from the Yucatan to Tampa, where it was refit and restored to become the Walt Disney World Railroad’s “Roger E. Broggie”
When Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom was being designed, Imagineers had to seek out steam locomotives to power the park’s new Railroad. In early 1969, […]
By Michael - June 8th, 2010 Artist’s rendering of Thunder Mesa, circa 1969
No, this isn’t a big article about Western River Expedition. I’m not yet ready to make that rite of passage that every Disney blog eventually must face. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do since day one, but I just haven’t had that breakthrough of research yet to […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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