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Make Your Own Kinda Magic

It’s Friday! And you deserve some retro Walt Disney World goodness.

This video comes from 1993. It’s one of a series of videos produced by General Motors for guests to the World of Motion pavilion at Epcot. Guests to the pavilion’s TransCenter were given a postcard they could send away to receive a free video. And what a video!

This tour of Walt Disney World is a nice time capsule of the era. Especially compelling is the Epcot footage, as 1993 was the last year of the original Epcot Center lineup. It was the last time you could see the full slate of amazing attractions in one fell swoop.

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Book Review: They Drew As They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years

They Drew As They Pleased

I recently received a review copy of Didier Ghez‘s latest masterpiece, They Drew As they Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years – The 1940s – Part One. I’m pleased to report that – unsurprisingly – it’s another fantastic effort by Didier with an incredible amount of previously unseen conceptual artwork from perhaps the most fascinating period in the Studio’s history.

For those of you unfamiliar with this series, of which this volume is the second release, each installation of They Drew As They Pleased focuses on the work of notable Disney concept artists. For this title, which highlights the Studio’s output in the early 1940s, Didier brings us a look at five artists – Walt Scott, Kay Nielsen, Sylvia Holland, Retta Scott, and David Hall. These artists are legends for a reason, and their fascinating stories and incredible art are brought to vivid light by Didier’s research.

The early 1940s was a busy time at the Disney Studio; the success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs fueled a boom in both Walt’s ambition and in the scope of the Studio’s talent pool. Artists swarmed to the Studio lot from across the world, working on a number of fascinating projects with lofty ambitions. Before a number of factors combined to bring this golden age to a halt, a slew of incredibly talented conceptual artists toiled away, brainstorming on seemingly endless flights of fancy and producing some of the most stunning art to ever emerge from the Studio.

By keeping the focus on individual artists, Didier is able to explore stories that have not previously been told, and to give a more in-depth look at the lives and careers of these unique individuals. The art is, obviously, excellent as well; Kay Nielsen has always been a particular favorite of mine and seeing such a large collection of his art is always welcome. If there’s a complaint to be made it’s that sometime the physical size and layout of the book isn’t large enough to fully present the grandeur of the art, but that’s a minor quibble.

This era of Disney animation history is my favorite. I’m intrigued by the many avenues the artists were exploring, and it’s really the last truly experimental phase in the Studio’s history. These projects are endlessly fascinating to me even when they weren’t entirely successful, and I’d love to see more collections of writing and artwork about these films. While the nature of They Drew As They Pleased precludes a film-by-film approach to the material, that’s something I’d like to read as well.

Didier’s impeccable research (and exhausting work ethic) have made this title one of the must-have Disney books of the year. Endless digging has revealed rare artwork and anecdotes, which is always welcome. (Incidentally, it was rather depressing to me to see how much of this priceless and historically valuable artwork has slipped out of the Studio’s grasp into the hands of private collectors and auction houses. To paraphrase Dr. Jones, it belongs in the ARL!)

This latest volume of They Drew As They Pleased goes on sale today; obviously it (as well as the previous title in the series) get my highest recommendation.

You can also view a preview of the book thanks to Google Books.

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Inside Out! Episode Five

It’s been quite a week… quite a month… quite a year… pretty much all around the world. So why not let’s escape all that – escape through space and time to a magical place called 1994. When the world was new.

Yes, it’s time for a new episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out, this time giving us a bit of Halloween in July and some spooky surprises. Let’s take a trip through the Magic Kingdom, Epcot ’95 (oh yes), and the Disney-MGM Studios to see what’s up at Walt Disney World circa October 1994.

Stops include the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Pleasure Island’s Comedy Warehouse, and the Norway Pavilion for a trip aboard the Maelstrom. There’s even a rare glimpse of the short-lived Walt Disney Imagineering Labs inside Innoventions. All that plus the usual Video Toaster-and-zydeco madness of the mid-90s. And if you get bored, try Googling the names of all the random kids that our intrepid host interviews throughout the show. Enjoy!

Post-mortem: Note that the show continued the 1994-era trope of being a lying lying liar about the nature of the Tower of Terror. I’m sure we’ve raged before here about how the promo videos of the time always showed a bunch of Blossom-behatted 90s kids standing up inside a falling elevator, and they do it again here. They also manage to fit in the other 90s WDW video trope, misusing footage from Paris’s Phantom Manor as if it was from Haunted Mansion.

It was nice to get a glimpse of the Magic Kingdom’s late lamented House of Magic, though. And is there anything more Eisner-era perfect than a costume lineup of Mighty Ducks, Golden Girls, Pretty Woman, and Sister Act? And, of course a promo for Planet Hollywood. Because muscles!

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For Your Christmas List…

The Walt Disney Film Archives: The Animated Movies 1921-1968

We live in something of a renaissance for Disney history publishing, and I was beyond ecstatic to see a new title pop up on Twitter this morning. From the masterful art publisher Taschen comes The Walt Disney Film Archives: The Animated Movies 1921-1968, a sprawling (624 pages!!) collection of artwork and historical text from deep within the Disney Archives. I’ve been dying for Taschen to do a Disney collection for years, so it’s amazing to see it finally happen.

On his site, Didier Ghez reveals more about the content of the book and the august collection of historians who have contributed. It’s quite the lineup, to be sure, and guarantees that there will be things found here that have never been seen before. One can only hope that Taschen will continue the project with a volume about the Walt Disney Theme Park Archives.

The book is available for pre-order on Amazon.

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Now In Print: The Progress City Primer

The Progress City Primer

I’m thrilled to announce that after more than a year of work, The Progress City Primer is now available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook from a variety of booksellers. At 340 pages, the book contains 33 stories covering the full span of Disney history from Walt’s time until today.

The book is currently available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, but as it continues to make its way onto other online retailers I’ll add those links to the book’s official site – You can even read a preview of the book thanks to Google Books.

Of course I’d like to thank all the Kickstarter backers who made this project possible – your help is much appreciated, and I hope everyone who contributed enjoys the final product. And for those of you just coming across the project, I hope you’ll take a look!

EDITED TO ADD: I feel terribly guilty to have forgotten this – if you have a favorite local bookseller, they can order the Primer through their wholeseller with the ISBN 978-0986205064. So please support your local book shop!

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