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By Michael - January 7th, 2011 A model of the three Hong Kong Disneyland mini-land expansions from the 2009 D23 Expo
Before the holidays, Hong Kong Disneyland posted a rather triumphant video showing the construction that is currently underway in that park. The massive expansion site sits outside the park’s berm, and will contain three mini-lands: Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and […]
By Michael - November 5th, 2010
Could the wait almost be over?
A full year after the Chinese central government signed off on the plans for the park, Disney and the local Shanghai government have signed an agreement to create the joint venture company that will built the new resort. The step was, as seems typical, announced by Shanghai officials […]
By Michael - October 6th, 2010 The road to the future…
While the big changes coming to Disneyland remain unannounced and in the far future, its companion park California Adventure is in the midst of the greatest single overhaul ever of a Disney park. A number of unprecedented changes necessitated by the park’s disastrous initial design are underway, leading to the […]
By Michael - August 19th, 2010 So, you’re watching C-SPAN, getting a taste of the NASA Information Technology Summit, and naturally there’s a presentation by Walt Disney Imagineering about the new Fantasyland project in Florida.
Jack Blitch, Vice President and General Manager of Walt Disney Imagineering – Florida, made an appearance at the NASA conference to discuss the use of […]
By Michael - July 7th, 2010 Imagineering model of Mystic Manor for Hong Kong Disneyland, D23 Expo, 2009
Hey, remember when this was happening? Yeah, I keep forgetting too.
While we’re here, we might as well have a few more pictures…
Storyboard art depicts the various show scenes in sequence from the Mystic Manor attraction Storyboards depicting the second half […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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