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D23 Springs Forth

It’s been suspiciously quiet on the D23 front lately, as members waited to see what plans the company’s “official” fan club held for 2010. With all the shakeup at Disney lately, it seems like several divisions are still catching up – try, for instance, to determine what Disney’s DVD release schedule is this year!


X Marks the SLAM!

So, while I was researching my story about the old Lake Buena Vista STOLport, I spent a lot of time poring over old charts and trying to navigate several ridiculously labyrinthine governmental websites. All that staring at a monitor tends to make your eyes go crossed, and that’s what I thought had happened when I […]

Cancel Your Plans For Tonight And Watch This

So, then there’s this. It might not quite be the holy grail, but it’s plenty close enough to make me happy. A series of videos from 1983 have appeared on YouTube depicting a freshly-minted EPCOT Center. And they’re amazing. It’s rare to see video at all from this era, and even more rare to see […]

The Corrections Department Is Open

A brief correction from the Progress City Department of Humble Mea Culpas…

You might recall in all the discussion of the NextGen technology initiative that’s underway at Disney, there was some talk of how this would be implemented. Some suggested that RFID chips would be embedded into guests’ tickets or room keys, while others […]

Retroworlds – The Lake Buena Vista STOLport


At its ultimate development, [Walt Disney World] is planned to include … An “airport of the future,” offering service to private and executive aircraft as well as commercial “commuter” service… – Preview Edition, Walt Disney World (1970)

It’s long been known that part of Walt Disney’s plan for his newly-purchased land in Florida was […]