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By BeaconJoe - February 25th, 2010
Beacon Joe has returned from his shanty on the Rivers of America to continue a series started in OCTOBER 2008! Though much has changed since this article was written, you should read the first part of this series before continuing further….
Yes, I know. My blog posting frequency or (lack thereof) is […]
By Michael - February 24th, 2010 There’s a question that I’ve seen pop up often over the years in the search results by which people are redirected to this site. With all the hubbub leading up to yesterday’s return of Captain EO to Disneyland’s Tomorrowland, I’ve seen a new explosion of people asking this question:
What does Captain “EO” stand for?
By Michael - February 21st, 2010 In the first episode of our podcast, Beacon Joe and I discussed how impressed we were with Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean when we first had a chance to visit Anaheim last September. Even after a lifetime of riding Disney attractions, we still were floored by this 40+ year old ride. The ride experience puts […]
By Michael - February 20th, 2010 From the Eyes & Ears of Walt Disney World, March 18, 1977:
Frozen Meat Sale!!!
I don’t know exactly why this amuses me as much as it does. Perhaps it’s the boldly declarative title announcing, without apparent excitement, “FROZEN MEAT SALE.” Perhaps it’s the fact that the Gourmet Pantry somehow found themselves with an “abundance” […]
By Michael - February 17th, 2010 The Disney Look – Summer Options for Supervisory and Office Personnel
Once upon a time…
Dick Nunis was the head of what is now known as Disney Parks & Resorts.
Nunis had risen through the ranks back in Walt’s day, eventually receiving the assignment of traveling to Florida to whip things into shape when Walt […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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